Wednesday, November 11, 2009

School News from Mrs. Kranau~11/8‏

**A Veteran's Program was held Wednesday, November 11 in the High School Gym starting at 10 a.m. **NO School on Friday! **The 4th, 5th, and 6th grade math students will have 1-minute Timed Tests, as homework, that will be given on Thursday, November 12 and due Monday, November 16. **The 4th and 6th grade math students will have a Math Review (after Les. 30) given to them this week. They may work on it during free time this week. It is not a grade but just a review for the upcoming Test scheduled for Monday, November 16. Please make sure students know vocab!!! **I will be checking Flashcard calendars on Thursday. 4th Grade: I found out Friday that some students are having friends sign flashcards without actually doing the flashcards. If this happens again, then I will have only parent signatures on the flashcard calendars. The 4th grade classes know about this. Please make sure your child is doing the required set of flashcards! **Math Treats (extra credit) are due Tuesday, Nov. 10. New Math Treats will be due 11-24. **Scholastic Book Orders are due Nov. 9. 5th Grade Parents: PLEASE WRITE CHECKS TO: SCHOLASTIC!!! Book orders are on-line. New Book orders will be going out some time this week. **Please be watching for the PAW TRACKS newsletter that should go home every Tuesday. **Some students are not dressing appropriately for recess. If it is chilly in the morning, a jacket or sweater should be worn to school. Please be checking the office for clothing items. A large container is already filled with clothes. **Powerschool is available for you to see your child's grades and lunch accounts. **Make sure your child is correcting daily assignments. I hope you are seeing ALL graded papers from math class. Students need to check mailboxes daily! **Flashcard calendar is due EVERY Friday. 4th Graders need to have at least 7 sets of flashcards completed along with signatures. 5th and 6th graders need to have completed at least 2 sets of flashcards. A grade will be given to each child at the end of the 9 weeks for the amount of "Stars" they receive. A "Star" is given each Friday if he/she has completed the required amount of flashcards for the week. Students need to pick up calendars after I have starred them each Friday. **Students should have all math vocabulary words, that were in bold from Les. 1-26, highlighted in his/her glossaries that I distributed at the beginning of the year. If words were not able to be found in the glossaries, students are to use two reference books found in my room: Math on Call and/or Algebra to Go. Students may also use the glossary at the back of the book, but do not highlight those words. (Students are well aware of these directions and criteria for "highlighting vocabulary words". Students need to continue to highlight vocabulary words from each lesson! **Please be saving Thramer's and Allen's receipts. You may drop your receipt in the box designated Blue Hill at Thramer’s or drop off the receipts at school. Continue to save Box Tops 4 Education, Campbell Soup Labels, old cell phones, and empty ink cartridges and other fundraisers. Thank you for all the fundraisers! We do not seem to have as many fundraiser items brought to school like we did last year. Double value cash register receipts are from November 16-21! Please make sure you shop Thramers, especially during that week, and save your receipts for Blue Hill Schools. **Students that have had three or more strikes are in the "Reach for the Stars" program. He/she needs to be checking in with Mrs. Miller, Mr. Uridil or Mrs. Keogh each morning before school starts and before he/she goes home. --Our school website is Ghostblasters is listed on the school's favorite websites under Math. ^^^^American Education Week is the week of November 15!^^^^ We appreciate the parents that volunteered to bring food to school during this week. 4th Grade: --Parallel and Perpendicular Lines, Right Angles, and More with Missing Addends will be covered this week. --I will not see 4A on Wednesday due to the Veteran's Program but the class will have an assignment: Do Practice a-d from Lesson 30. --The new Issue of Dynamath will be distributed on Monday. Students will have Monday and Thursday to work on Dynamath with partners. --Students had to write the basic facts that were difficult for him/her on index cards. These index cards should be reviewed every day. Some students did not have this done by Friday. --Students NEED to know the 4 Steps of Problem-Solving, 5 Problem-Solving Strategies, and Vocabulary Words from the lessons. The 4 Steps of P.S. and the P.S. Strategies will be on every math quiz and test! Thank you to those students who have studied these Problem-Solving Steps and Strategies!!! These have been handed out. When your child has an upcoming test, he/she will have done a review/study guide sheet that will help on the test. --Have all vocab words found and highlighted from each lesson. --Work on Flashcards! Five 4th graders did not do 7 sets of Flashcards last week. --Students need to be correcting every daily math assignment!!! Some students are still making careless mistakes on math papers. See if your child is subtracting correctly. I write notes all the time on daily assignments and ask students to "See Me" during study hall. --Students need to be bringing necessary materials to class. There are days that students don't even have a pencil. I will be glad to give students pencils if they are kept in a pencil pouch and brought to class!! --I truly appreciate students that are organized and ready to learn in math class each day!!!!!! Thank you! 6th Grade: --Multiplying Fractions, Dividing Fractions, LCM, and Reciprocals are concepts that will be covered this week. --The new Issue of Dynamath will be distributed on Monday. Students will have Monday and Thursday to work on Dynamath with partners. --Students should continue to highlight math terms in glossaries to Les. 30. --Continue to work on flashcards! Four 6th graders did not get a star last week, because he/she did not have 2 sets of flashcards done. --Basic Facts that are difficult for your child were to be written on index cards. These index cards should be reviewed daily. Three 6th graders did not have any index cards to class on Friday. 5th Grade~~Homeroom Class: --The new Issue of Dynamath will be distributed on Monday. Students will have Monday and Thursday to work on Dynamath with partners. --We will cover Reviewing Division and Solving Problems About Division of Time this week. --Students need to know the 4 Problem-Solving Steps (Read, Plan, Solve, Look Back and Check) and 5 of the many Problem-Solving Strategies. --Guidance Class with Mrs. Jeffery is scheduled for Tuesday from 8:10-8:45. **Parents: The office gives me lunch money reminders for designated students, depending on how much money you have left in your account. I give these to the students in an envelope. I am hoping you are seeing your lunch money total. If you are not sure about your lunch money account, please call the office at 756.2085 or look on PowerSchool. --Work on Flashcards! **Kayla B. will be celebrating her birthday on Wednesday, November 11 from 2:15-2:30. Thank you for your support, ~Mrs. Kranau~


Anonymous said...

This is really nice to see, what a great way to add more communication from our teachers to our parents and students. Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

Awesome job on adding Mrs. Kranau's notes. Sometimes I don't get the chance to see them whether they are lost on the way home from school or otherwise and now when I take a break at work it is so nice to see what is happening with my kids (well I only have one in elementary). Something from the Jr high or high school side would be great too. Great Job!!Vicki Alber

Anonymous said...

great addition to the blog!