Our nation, at both federal and state levels, has begun adopting energy policies which will require a substantial increase in the generation of electricity from renewable resources. As these policies take hold, we will be tasked with improving transmission infrastructure to move this generated renewable power to consumers, and we must do so without overburdening ratepayers.
As a member of the House Natural Resource SubCommittee on Water & Power as well as the Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency Caucus, I am pleased to have the opportunity to oversee the deliberation and implementation of ideas for more affordable, diverse, and reliable electricity. On November 5, 2009, the Subcommittee held a joint hearing to address transmission concerns facing states like Nebraska. Unfortunately, the hearing revealed disorganization at a number of levels which has prolonged indefinately the implementation of much-needed infrastructure projects.
Nebraska has tremendous wind energy potential, but lacks the infrastructure to transmit out of remote, renewable-resource rich areas. The export of wind-powered generation will require a significant amount of investment and cooperation from all sides. Establishing the necessary infrastructure is a primary, tangible step toward meeting our energy independence goals.
Rest assured, as Congress continues to examine energy policies, I am committed to delivering, renewable sources of energy to home and business owners at an affordable rate. I welcome your feedback and appreciate the opportunity to share my thoughts on such an important matter.
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