Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Councilman's Column

by Jesse Alber The Blue Hill City Council met on Tuesday, February 9 to discuss agenda items during its regular Febrary meeting. Discussions on the increase cost of wholesale electricity purchased from the Western Area Power Association (WAPA), Municipal Energy Association of Nebraska (MEAN), and South Central Public Power District (NPPD). Retail utility rate increases took effect this past October based upon real and anticipated wholesale rate increases. Municipal energy consumption has reached historic highs over the past two months, primarily due to the bitterly cold weather this winter. With the rate increases many Blue Hill families are in utter shock over their most recent bills. Priorities for the recent $20,000 Community/Senior Center grant were set. They will include repairs and upgrades to the sidewalk on the north side of the building, replacing countertops, refinishing the gym floor and both interior and exterior painting. Other projects will be completed if resources are available. The council approved a slight hourly rate increase for services provided by Seiler & Parker Law Firm, however, the "regualr" attendance of counsel at municipal meetings will be eliminated, which should save the city close to $3,000 a year. Larry Edgar was appointed to serve as the official Animal Control Authority for the City of Blue Hill, the purchase of necessary animal control equipment was authorized and a contract with Heartland Pet Connection for housing impounded animals was approved. The council also discussed informal policies and procedures for handling animal control calls. Although no formal decisions were reached, the general consensus of the council was that it might be appropriate to handle animal control calls related to a properly licensed dog or cat differently from an unlicensed dog or cat. So, with a new "puppy sheriff" in town, we recommend you license your dogs and cats if you have not already done so. Citizens should also understand that Mr. Edgar has many other responsibilities with the city and may not be able to respond to all animal control calls as promptly as patrons may desire. The council approved the repair of section of the exterior wall of the light plant by replacing it with an overhead door. This will allow city employees to utilize the area for garaging, storage or projects. Discussion was held on payroll issues including direct deposit, providing compensatory time in lieu of overtime, and time that payroll checks should be available on payday.


Anonymous said...

Would that mean that Mark Petska and Keri Shunk will need to license his Dogs??

Anonymous said...

"The council also discussed informal policies and procedures for handling animal control calls."

I am sure Mr. Edgar has been or will be aware of his duties in regards to special considerations to be given to those who have a direct involvement in his employment. He will surely use his "best dicretion" regarding his duties.