Thursday, March 15, 2012


Anonymous added the following comment to a February Post Open letter to the Webster County Commissioners.
“This particular blog seems a little one sided.... there is always two sides to a story. But I would agree the County Attorney is 99.9% of the problem. To many times people in this county have not been held accountable for their actions by lack of prosecution from the C. Attorney. It must be frustrating for the Sheriff's Office to do their job... only to have it all thrown out by the C. Attorney. Before condemning the whole Sheriff's Office I think maybe take a step back and look at the whole picture of what they have to deal with on a daily basis; working nights-weekends, away from their family, every Holiday, rain or snow or shine, dealing with some very stressful situations, putting their safety/life in harms way on a daily basis. Just my two cents... Thanks for sharing. “

I have several issues here that I would like to address about this. First I want to define the word blog.
1. ‘A blog is a website in which items are posted on a regular basis and displayed in reverse chronological order. The term blog is a shortened form of weblog or web log. Authoring a blog, maintaining a blog or adding an article to an existing blog is called “blogging”. Individual articles on a blog are called “blog posts,” “posts” or “entries”. A person who posts these entries is called a “blogger
2. Using those definitions. I am going to assume that the anonymous writer of the comment meant “post”  rather than “blog“, when he/she called it “one sided”.
3. Referring to it as one sided  is only stating the obvious. It was written by the victim of a senseless attack. It was written by an individual who has, over a period of six years, been granted protection orders by judges, three different times, against an drunken individual who then again attacks him in a public setting. 

It was an open letter written to those in authority by the individual who had been attacked who believes that the government has a duty to provide protection to its citizens. When that system, that government, fails the failure can illicit anger such as was manifest in this post. It certainly wasn’t the writers responsibility to state the opinion or express the views of his attacker nor was it within his ability to know or understand his attacker. His tone was one of someone who was, for obvious reasons, very upset. He expressed himself with a great deal of passion as he often does. This post was definitely not the journalistic efforts of a reporter, who might have an obligation to state just the facts without any opinion.
4. That being said I do appreciate the manner with which this anonymous commenter expressed him/her self. After trying to post all comments for a period of time, as the “blogger” here I decided to no longer post  comments, anonymous or signed,  that are addressed to any individual. I will not be an email service nor do I feel obligated to forward emails via this blog to any individual. But I certainly welcome comments such as the one made by this commentor here.
5. I would like for individuals to sign their name to their comment, but human nature being what it is I understand their reluctance to put their name to their opinion. In today's hostile social climate it takes a degree of courage to speak up publically.
As an option I would appreciate it if posters would pick a “pen name” such as “hard hearted Hannah” or “poor Richard” and use that name on all their comments.  That might reduce the guessing by people about who is making comments.

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