Monday, January 3, 2011

Farmer and Ranchers Cow/Calf College "Partners in Progress - Beef Seminar"

The annual Farmers and Ranchers Cow/Calf College “Partners in Progress – Beef Seminar” will be held at the U.S. Meat Animal Research Center and Great Plains Veterinary Education Center near Clay Center on January 18, 2011 with registration, coffee and donuts starting at 9:00 a.m. and going till 9:45 a.m. The program will run from 9:50 a.m. until approximately 3:45 p.m. This program is sponsored by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension’s Farmers and Ranchers College and will feature several outstanding speakers discussing issues and management strategies that can affect the profitability of all beef producers. There is no cost for the event and the public is invited. It does include a noon meal which means that early registration is necessary. The “Cow/Calf College” will kick off at 9:50 a.m. with a welcome by Dr. John Pollak, Director of USMARC. He will be followed the first speaker, Dr. Larry Berger, UNL Animal Science Department Head, who will give an “Overview on the Direction of UNL Animal Science” and his vision for the future of animal science. He will be followed by Michael Kelsey, Executive Vice President of the Nebraska Cattlemen Association who will speak on the “Issues Facing Cattlemen in 2011.” There is no doubt that we are and will be facing a plethora of issues that affect animal agriculture, learn what they are. Next on the morning agenda will be Willow Holoubek, director of Alliance for the Future of Agriculture in Nebraska (A-FAN), who will address “Standing Up for Animal Agriculture.” Which is an important topic considering the attacks that have been made upon animal agriculture by groups like HSUS and PETA. Lunch will be provided and will be rotated in during the noon session featuring area cattlemen, Ken and Zach Herz, who will provide two sessions on “Construction of Bedded Manure Pack Beef Barn”. These sessions will highlight the large 200’ by 100’ barn that was built for confined beef management. It is one of the first in Nebraska. They will show what thought and research went into the planning and construction, and then will give an oral and pictorial presentation on the construction and utilization of the new facility. The barn is located a mile east and a mile south of Lawrence, NE. The afternoon session will feature two well known UNL specialists. At 1:30 pm, Dr. Rick Rasby, UNL Extension Beef Specialist, will discuss “Feeding Ethanol By-Products to Forage Fed Cattle”. There will be copies of the new manual of the same name available for attendees. Dr. Darrell Mark, UNL Extension Livestock Marketing Specialist, will explain some “Marketing Plans for the Cow/Calf Operation.” All presenters will then join on stage to pull everything together, give their final thoughts and considerations and then avail themselves for a coffee-shop style panel discussion during which cattlemen can ask questions and get answers on topic questions that came to them during the day’s sessions. The discussion will be moderated by Dr. Larry Berger. Door prizes will be awarded to those that stay for the entire event. Any beef producer or other interested individual should pre-register by Thursday, January 13th, 2011, at the UNL Extension Office at 621 North Cedar, Red Cloud, NE 68930 or call (402) 746-3417 to insure a seat and lunch. Walk-ins are accepted, but may not get a lunch. You may also email your registration to Dewey Lienemann at: Further information may be found at the Webster County UNL Extension site at:

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