Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Joke of the Day

A bartender was so sure he was the strongest man in town that he offered a standing $1,000 bet. He would squeeze all the juice out of a lemon and then hand it to someone at the bar. If that person could squeeze even one more drop out of the lemon, he'd win the money.

Many people had tried, but no one had ever won. Then one day a tiny, scrawny little man walked in and challenged the bartender. All of the patrons laughed at the man, but the bartender agreed to the challenge and squeezed the lemon as hard as he could. Then he handed the shriveled remains to the man. The crowd gasped as the little man squeeze six more drops of juice from the lemon. Flabbergasted, the bartender paid the man his $1,000 and asked, "What do you do for a living? Are you a weightlifter? A lumberjack?"

"Oh, no," the man replied. "I work for the IRS."

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