Thursday, October 15, 2020

Letter of resignation from County attorney dated September 23, 2020

This letter was published as photo copied from the original public record in the Red Cloud Chief this week.  No commentary accompanied the letter.  This letter is, of course, not that photo copy but is a transcription to make it easier to read in this format.  

Letter of resignation from County attorney dated September 23, 2020  Addressed to the Webster County Commissioners.

The purpose of this letter is to serve as a notice of my resignation as Webster County Attorney effective October 6, 2020.  It has been my privilege to serve the citizens of Webster County Nebraska for the last eight years as the appointed and twice elected county attorney.  In the course of my years serving Webster County I have met many wonderful people who live and work in Webster County.  These memories will not be forgotten.

However, most notably over the course of the last year it has become quite evident that there are those serving within the public offices of Webster County and in the community who seek to undermine my abilities and the office of County Attorney to perform professional tasks and to prosecute and to defend  all civil and criminal suits in which the state or county is a party.   These individuals seek to harass, lie about defame and belittle not only myself but the office of county attorney.  I have weathered being treated unprofessionally and unkindly.

I will not tolerate it any longer.  The position of county attorney is not an easy position.  And is a position in which death and mayhem are often dealt with both in public and behind the scenes at all hours of the day.  The recent attacks in this country on the rule of law including the institutions intended to protect society and those serving in those institutions designed to protect society is disheartening. My father and grandfathers proudly fought many wars for this country, seeing and enduring many things that no human being should experience.  The overreaching lack of respect for mankind being seen across this country and locally is a dishonor to men and women called to protect our country in various roles.  If our society is to thrive you as a board member cannot ignore that this lack of respect for one another has made its way into Webster County Nebraska.

As for me I will no longer be treated without common civility.  I will not stand silently by as those who seek to cause harm or engage in subversive tactics attack the legal profession to which I am called.  I respect the rule of law and cherish safety and security for everyone.  I am going to concentrate my time and efforts in my professional career in an environment that understands and promotes civility, decency, honor and respect to all persons.  Thank you for accepting my resignation and I wish you the best in the search for a new County attorney for Webster County. 


Sara Bockstadter

Webster County Attorney.

Andy Alber responds to Webster County Attorney.  

When I read the former Webster County Attorney’s letter of resignation in the Red Cloud Chief’s weekly edition, I have to admit, I threw up a little in my mouth, I gaged, I almost lost my temper, but not quite, I don’t do that often. "  I will not tolerate it any longer", she says.  "The position of county attorney is not an easy position”    And she worries about the recent attacks in this country on the rule of law, even as she is the one dishonoring the position as she uses it unjustly. 

Just as the county attorney points out her father and grandfather fought wars for this country, I have family members, brothers, nephews, grandfather, uncles, cousins who fought for this country on foreign soil.  And now I am fighting for our freedom, fighting against tyranny here, in Webster County Nebraska against a system that has been perverted and was being used to persecute the innocent who didn’t give a tyrannical County Attorney the respect she felt she deserved.  One who seemed to think that the fact she was elected to SERVE the people somehow gave her some rights to change laws and bully people.  I do know that there are people who are less zealous than myself who would roll over and let her get away with her tactics  I realized when I was 4 years old you can’t always trust people in authority to tell you the truth or to do what’s right.   She talks about lack of respect, where is her respect for the people of Webster county?  Especially those working in the court house. 

In the last year, especially in the last several months I have seen a lot of the people who work in Red Cloud at the Webster County court house as I worked on this recall petition. The one that had nothing to do with the resignation of the County Attorney.  I have seen nothing but professionalism and respect from those I encountered.  They have been kind but always professional.  They told me absolutely nothing negative about the county attorney even though I made it clear I was there to listen if they had anything to say.  The fact that the county attorney now reaches out in this letter of resignation with these scurrilous accusations is the opposite of professional.

Ms. Bockstader is old enough and experienced enough she should know that respect must be earned, if you deny respect to others it is doubtful you will be able to find it yourself. 

The County Attorney has attacked the legal profession herself, damaging the reputation of others as she uses the legal system to further her own agenda instead of to protect the innocent and prosecute the guilty. 

While I was out gathering signatures for the recall petition I met a little lady and her husband in Red Cloud, I explained my mission the man signed immediately, the lady was hesitant, she was older and then she explained to me that yes, she recognized the county attorney was not doing her job and for the sake of law and order needed to be replace, “That poor lady is going to lose her job" she said, “can we have a word of prayer for her?”.    Let’s all pray the former County Attorney will stay far away from Webster  County and get all the respect she deserves.  

Andy Alber


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