Thursday, November 29, 2012

Johanns Statement on the UN General Assembly Vote Regarding Palestinian Status Johanns Statement on the UN General Assembly Vote Regarding Palestinian Status

WASHINGTON –U.S. Sen. Mike Johanns (R-Neb.) today released the following statement on the United Nations General Assembly vote to recognize the Palestinians with non-member observer status:

"Today's vote by the United Nations General Assembly is deeply disappointing and could undermine peace efforts in the region." Johanns said. “Bypassing direct negotiations between states in the Middle East risks further destabilization in one of the most tumultuous corners of the world, and increasingly isolates Israel, our staunch ally and a beacon for freedom and democracy.“

The United States and Israel were among the nations in opposition to the UN General Assembly vote, which passed by a margin of 138-9. Another 41 nations abstained from voting.

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