If you want to see bulls on main street and do not want to travel to Pamploma, then you can simply travel to Blue Hill on Saturday, February 6. No they will not be running down the street - but instead safely confined in pens. The South Central Cattlemen Association is holding their second annual Bull Bonanza on main street of Blue Hill, NE. Pens of bulls will line main street featuring consignments of bulls from cattlemen from across the south central Nebraska region. Display times will be from 10:30 a.m. through 3:30 p.m.
The Bull Bonanza will provide an opportunity for area cattlemen to showcase their bulls! It also provides the opportunity for the public and potential bull buyers, from south central Nebraska and beyond, to view a very nice selection of area raised bulls of various breeds and ages. They can also visit with the cattlemen about their breeding/genetics program and their cattle, and listen to speakers on topics concerning the beef industry.
The speakers include: Dr. Matt Spangler, UNL Extension Beef Genetics Specialist, who will be the keynote speaker at 12:30 p.m. and will discuss “Sire Selection.” Also on hand will be Larry Rowden and Neal Mertens of ABS Global who will be introducing the new ABS Global territory representative.
It is a nice venue to have representation of the best beef genetics in the area all in one place so you can go from pen to pen and analyze the breeding and production potential of each bull. You can just come and look, talk to the cattlemen and of course if you find the “right one”, the bulls are for sale. The season for selecting next year’s bull is upon us and this is a great opportunity to get a head start. It will also be interesting for 4-H and FFA youth and the public to see the genetics that are available in south central Nebraska all in one place and talk to the cattlemen and families that raise them. The bonus will be hearing from Nebraska experts in beef sire selections.
There is still time if interested cattlemen would like to consign their bulls to the event. A registration form and entry fee is required. For questions or more information please call: Jamie Watts @ 402-984-0177 or Amber Illingworth @ 402-469-2952 or you may contact the Webster County UNL Extension office in Red Cloud (402-746-3417) or email
dlienemann2@unl.edu if you would like a flyer and registration form.
Cattlemen will be able to eat at Thramer's Deli or concessions will be available in the Community Senior Center from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm during youth basketball games against Superior.
This event was covered by KOLN/KGIN 10/11 News. You can view the video at:
but I believe you need Adobe Flash version 10 in order to view the report.
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